Area of Business

    -    Sydney Region
    -    North to Newcastle
    -    South to Wollongong
    -    West to Lithgow


    -    Industrial Flue Cleaning
    -    Full Kitchen Cleaning
    -    Filter Cleaning
    -    Stainless Steel polishing
    -    Flue inspection plate cutting
    -    Certificate of Inspection/Clean

Additional Services

    -    Night cleaning (At no additional charge)
    -    Free Quotes
    -    Hours to suit your business
    -    Fully Insured


    -    Chimney Cleaning
    -    Oven / Stove Cleaning
    -    Chimney Inspection

    At The Super Flue Man, we understand that it costs money to businesses to close becuase they require a Flue or Kitchen Clean. The Super Flue Man understands this, and conduct night cleaning to better suit your business needs. These needs are not charged at a higher rate, but either night or day are charged at the same low rate.

    Above are the services currently, but not limited to The Super Flue Man. If you have any job which you require done, please don't hesitate to contact The Super Flu Man and discuss an option which can suit your business needs.